The Gilded Cabinet


Posted by Leanne Williams, Tuesday June 5, 2018

We were asked last year by the lovely Fiona Murray and Felicity Hayles whether we would have our houses photographed for 25 Beautiful Homes. I’m not sure one ever feels ready to expose yourself to this sort of thing, especially as an interior designer. Casting a critical eye over one’s own house all you see are the things you haven’t done and the things you want to change but one half of TGC was moving in January so no chance to put it off and postpone any longer. After a bit of persuasion, a lot of last minute finishing off, a serious amount of cushion plumping and straightening, and a mammoth cleaning session we were as ready as we ever would be…..

Leanne’s house – February issue 25 Beautiful Homes

Boo’s house – April issue 27 Beautiful Homes

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